Darrol Stinton Memorial Trophy winner 2015 – Stephen Grey

In 1978 whilst working for the CAA as a Test Pilot, the late Darrol Stinton, together with Duncan Simpson and a Council of four other test pilots founded the Historic Aircraft Association. Darrol’s aim was to ensure that historic aircraft were reliable to fly, and would be flown by “good egg” pilots beyond reproach who could be relied upon to fly them safely.

Following Darrol’s death in 2013 the HAA instituted a new trophy in his memory to be awarded in recognition of outstanding individual achievement in the operation and preservation of historic aircraft. This trophy is awarded annually to an individual who is considered by the membership of the HAA to have made a great contribution to British Historic Aviation.

In recognition of his many years of guidance and support of historic aircraft and aviation, and for his early support of the Historic Aircraft Association, it is with great pleasure for the HAA to announce that the recipient of the 2015 Darrol Stinton Memorial Trophy is Stephen Grey, owner and operator of The Fighter Collection.

As a British aviation enthusiast, The Fighter Collection was set up by Stephen Grey over 25 years ago. At the time Stephen said it was his aim to collect every single allied fighter aircraft in WWII. Even before the Fighter Collection came into being, Stephen was displaying his beloved Mustang at airshows in Europe and bringing to the public an opportunity to witness WWII fighters.

From the list of aircraft currently in The Fighter Collection, Stephen has certainly achieved a great deal towards that early dream. His personal collection has been a focus of heritage fighter aircraft in Britain, and continues to be so today. The commitment Stephen Grey has made over nearly four decades has provided the UK Warbird movement with a core of heritage aircraft that is barely matched by other organisations. The establishment of the Flying Legends annual airshow at Duxford is testimony to the contribution Stephen has made in bringing WWII fighters to the public for the appreciation and admiration of all.

Flying Legends 2013 was Steven Grey’s last airshow display. He flew the Grumman Bearcat on both days, before handing his ‘Joker’ role to his son, Nick, who flew the Gloster Gladiator. Stephen is continuing to promote and manage Flying Legends. It is hoped he will go on enjoying his beloved Bearcat, and that he will continue for many more years to savour the enormity of what he personally has achieved.

The HAA unanimously considered that Stephen Grey’s contribution of more than 35 years to the operation and preservation of historic aircraft flying to be well worthy of this award.

It is with the greatest of pleasure that HAA President Rick Peacock-Edwards presented this year’s Darrol Stinton Memorial Trophy to Stephen Grey.