Duxford Airfield has stopped all GA visitors to the May and October 2010 airshows due to the high cost of dealing with GA visitors.
In respnses to HAA Council Member barry Tempest, Mick Martin, the Head of Airfield at Duxford said reason is entirely business based.
"You are very familiar with the Duxford Show flightline and therefore will
appreciate that the need to provide access for the emergency services
precludes North side parking for GA. Furthermore, parking on the western ASP
was stopped some years ago because we were interrupting the public view of
the display.
"Our experience averaged over the past five years has shown that because of unpredictable weather we have achieved less than 20% of pre-booked arrivals. In order to support the GA visitors there are a number of associated costs – hire of minibuses, additional FISO and support staff etc.
"These are real costs to the museum which over the past five years have amounted to an extra cost of £120 for each GA visitor. Whilst I regret the decision which has had to be taken, in the current financial climate I must ensure the business viability of the Air Shows to ensure that they continue."
Mr Martin has confirmed that Duxford will continue to welcome GA visitors in July and September where the numbers justify the organiser’s expenditure.