Darrol Stinton was a founding member of the Historic Aircraft Association and the Darrol Stinton Memorial Trophy was introduced in 2013 to give suitable recognition to individuals who have made a major contribution to the furtherance of historic aviation. Previous winners include Stephen Grey, Stuart McKay, Guy Black and Dodge Bailey.
The trophy for 2019 has been awarded to well-known display pilot Cliff Spink. This award was made, not in recognition of Cliff’s long and distinguished military career but for his contribution over many years to air display flying, training and safety. In addition to his long display flying career Cliff has trained and mentored many display pilots over the years. Cliff has been a much-valued guiding light for many years as a Display Authorisation Examiner (DAE) and maintained very high standards in training and evaluating new display pilots as well as his ongoing guidance to experienced display pilots.
The award was announced at this years highly successful Historic Aircraft Association Symposium at RAF Hendon. The trophy was presented at Duxford by HAA President Sir Gerald Howarth, with Cliff appropriately seated in the cockpit of an Aircraft Restoration Company Spitfire.
Sir Gerald Howarth, President of the Historic Aircraft Association said ‘Cliff Spink has been a wonderful display pilot whose skillful and graceful flying never fails to impress the spectators. In addition, his work in mentoring new display pilots has ensured that those skills have been passed on to the next generation. He is a most worthy recipient of the Darrol Stinton trophy.’

HAA President Sir Gerald Howarth presents Cliff Spink (appropriately sitting in a Spitfire) with the Darrol Stinton Memorial.

Darrol Stinton Memorial Trophy