In an address to the Open Forum, Sir John Allison debated what the future direction of the HAA dhould be.
He offered views about the organisation itself, described the regulatory environment in which we are now operating and posed some questions about the future for the HAA to debate.
The President’s remarks were followed by intensive discussion from the floor.
It was agreed that the HAA faced the challenges Sir John had outlined.
The conclusions drawn were that the HAA had not been totally inactive but it needed to raise its game considerably if it was to be effective.
To be worthwhile to its membership and to the broader Historic Aviation community not only in the UK but also in Europe, the HAA would need to align itself with all the other veteran, vintage, heritage and historic aircraft associations within the UK including the air display organizations.
To have a voice at EASA the HAA and its allies would need to channel their arguments and views on regulatory and economic matters through a European recognized body that would properly represent the interests of its membership. The only organizations sitting on EASA committees at present were Europe Air Sports and IAOPA. The Forum opinion was that HAA Council should decide which of these 2 organizations would best represent the interests of the Association at EASA and seek support.
For more details of Sir John’s address, download the report using the link below.