John obtained his PPL in 1978 at Wycombe Air Centre, flying the now historic Cessna 150 aircraft followed by the larger Cessna 172, making journeys all over Great Britain and Europe.
His working life has been at Pressed Steel Co Ltd and all the subsequent reincarnations of the British Motor group until BMW took over when he took early retirement. For the last 4 years he has worked as a technician in Jacobs Engineering where he continues on a part-time basis.
With two colleagues, he purchased an Aeronca Champion and was partly responsible for starting the Aeronca Club of GB. After joining the Popular Flying Association (PFA) and the Vintage Aircraft Club (VAC) he enjoyed being involved in the organisation of various events. He is now the Oxford Group of the PFA and the VAC National Council representative and has also been elected onto the Executive Committee of the PFA.
After joining the committee of the Vintage Aircraft Club he is now the Chairman and, to improve the connections across historic aviation in the UK, he joined the Council of the Historic Aircraft Association.